The benefits of structured cabling: Cyber Solutions for network cabling
Almost every business today understands the importance of effective communication, more importantly, the way we communicate. Structured cabling, or network cabling is a high performing, low maintenance improvement to traditional point to point systems.
With so many cables in a data center, it could be terrifying to look at, and trying to figure it out? Forget about it! Keeping data cabling properly bundled and secured will eliminate stressful situations in the future. Of course there are several brands of cables that work extremely well. You may find some at places like Cable Wholesale.
So, what is structured cabling?
Structured cabling is defined as a telecommunications cabling infrastructure that consists of a number of standardized smaller elements called subsystems.
Six sub-systems of structured cabling
Entrance facility is where the service provider’s outdoor plant cable meets the building’s backbone cabling.It also includes customer-premises equipment and security devices.
Work area components connect end user equipment to the outlets of the horizontal cabling system
Equipment room houses telecommunications systems such as servers, routers, switches and mechanical terminators.
Telecommunications room usually hosts termination and data equipment and connects horizontal and backbone cabling systems.
Horizontal cabling connects telecommunications rooms and work area outlets. It enables voice, data and video security as well as other communications.
Backbone cabling is the primary information channel and connects telecommunications and equipment rooms, entrance facilities and outside buildings.
Network complexity is driving the demand of integration of IT infrastructures.
So, whether you choose Cyber Solutions Communications to install your cabling systems or do it yourself, here are three common Cyber Solutions for data center conveyances in pathways.
Basket trays provide support and also serves as a ground conductor.
Ladder racks help support network cabling drops. Great for along walls.
Fiber troughs are built from steel and PVC, they do the heavy stuff.
Success in business leans heavily on keeping effective communication with your customers and employees, that communication relies heavily on the transfer of voice and data. With structured cabling, you can manage or troubleshoot your system without disrupting any of your other networks. It’s faster and more efficient than traditional methods.
So get rid of the clutter and call Cyber Solutions Communications today! We also can help with:
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